Thans for your program. I'm using it for Microsoft Office WebApps. I have set file extension association to my script for Office xls;xlsx;doc;docx. Office's file is uploaded to SkyDrive "My documents" folder in my account and then opened in WebApps Office. After close its saved back to original location.
:: Usage : SkyDrive.cmd "c:\data\file.xls" :: Usage : use Types ( ) toset Explorer ContextMenu "C:\Program Files (x86)\SkyDrive\SkyDrive.cmd""%1"for doc;docx;xls;xlsx :: Tested on: Windows 7 EN x64 :: ToDo : renaming xls<-->xlsx ; doc<-->docx ::main setlocal setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: ---------------- CONFIG-BEGIN ----------------set SkyDriveLogin=login@domain.comset SkyDrivePassword=passwordset SkyDriveFolder=My Documentsset SkyDriveShare=O:set SkyDriveDumpUrls=C:\Program Files (x86)\SkyDrive\DumpUrls.exe :: ---------------- CONFIG-END ----------------set file=%1set filename=%~nx1set filepath=%~dp1 :: replace spaces with %20set SkyDriveFolderNoSpace=!SkyDriveFolder: =%%20! :: Get SkyDrive CIDfor /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('"%SkyDriveDumpUrls%" %SkyDriveLogin% %SkyDrivePassword%') do set cid=%%aset cid=%cid: cid=!cid:/%SkyDriveFolderNoSpace%=! :: Check if"net use" exists andusing valid CIDifNOT exist %SkyDriveShare%\ (goto :mount ) else (for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %%a in ('net use %SkyDriveShare% ^| find "Remote name"') do echo %%c | findstr /l /i /c:"%cid%"ifNOT !errorlevel!==0 goto :unmount )goto :openfile :unmount net use %SkyDriveShare% /delete /Y :mount net use %SkyDriveShare% /user:%SkyDriveLogin% %SkyDrivePassword% :openfileif {"%filename%"}=={""} ( :: if no arguments, open foldercall"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" ) else ( :: copy file to SkyDrive and open in OfficeWebAppscall del /Q "%SkyDriveShare%\%filename%"?call copy %1 "%SkyDriveShare%\%filename%"call"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" :: wait 10sec for correct saving of Office file back to SkyDrive ping -n 10 copy /Y "%SkyDriveShare%\%filename%"? "%filepath%*.*"call del /Q "%SkyDriveShare%\%filename%"? )goto :EOFexit